Tag: sigstore
- New Terraform Modules Repository
- Using rekor-monitor to Scan Your Transparency Logs
- PyPI's Sigstore-powered attestations are now generally available
- Fulcio Streamlines Onboarding for CI Identity Providers
- Announcing sigstore-java 1.0
- cosign Verification of npm Provenance, GitHub Artifact Attestations, and Homebrew Provenance
- Announcing SigstoreCon: Supply Chain Day
- sigstore-go verification and signing now in beta
- Homebrew's Sigstore-powered provenance is in beta
- Sigstore Announcement: New TUF Trust Root and Client Compatibility
- Sigstore - An OpenSSF Graduated Project
- Sigstore February Roundup
- Sigstore January Roundup
- Sigstore November Roundup
- OpenPubkey and Sigstore
- Announcing sigstore-go
- npm's Sigstore-powered provenance goes GA
- Announcing sigstore-python 2.0
- Trusted Time in Sigstore
- Sigstore Announcement: No Longer Publishing Cosign Releases to GCS Bucket
- Announcing the Sigstore Clients Special Interest Group (sig-clients)
- Bringing Privacy and Security Full Circle Through Automated Authentication
- Sigstore Support in npm launches for Public Beta
- Cosign 2.0 Released!
- Cosign and Policy-controller with GKE, Artifact Registry and KMS
- Towards Easier, More Secure Signature Technology for the Java Ecosystem with Sigstore
- Sigstore January Roundup
- A Guide to Running Sigstore Locally
- Announcing the 1.0 release of sigstore-python
- Why you can’t use Sigstore without Sigstore
- Sigstore December Roundup
- How to become the next Sigstore Evangelist?
- Securing Your Software Supply Chain Without Changing Your DevOps Workflow
- Signatus, ergo securus? Who can sign what with TUF and Sigstore
- New Sigstore Landscape: Add your signed project
- Using Sigstore to meet FedRAMP Compliance at Autodesk
- 'Sigstore: Software Signing For Everybody' has been published in the proceedings of the ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference
- Sigstore November Roundup
- Security by Default: How Verizon New Business Incubation Uses Sigstore to Demonstrate Provenance and Improve Customer Confidence
- Sigstore Announces General Availability for Rekor and Fulcio
- Sigstore Proves That Effective Supply Chain Security Doesn’t Have to Hurt
- Sigstore October Roundup
- How Sigstore quickly patched an upstream vulnerability
- Contribute to Sigstore during Hacktoberfest 2022!
- A New Look for Sigstore
- SigstoreCon Program Announced
- Sigstore Update — September 2022
- Signing and Securing Confidential Kubernetes Clusters in the Cloud with Sigstore
- Verify cosign signatures in go using sigstore/sigstore
- Sigstore Update — August 2022
- Adopting Sigstore Incrementally
- Is Sigstore Ready for a Post-Quantum World?
- sigstore, blockchain vs transparency logs
- Privacy in Sigstore
- How to verify container images with Kyverno using KMS, Cosign, and Workload Identity
- Don’t Panic: A Playbook for Handling Account Compromise with Sigstore
- Sigstore ❤ Ruby!
- Sigstore: Bring-your-own sTUF with TUF
- Celebrating 1,000,000 entries in Rekor
- Spooky Updates for Sigstore!
- Sigstore project update — September 2021
- Sigstore Project Update — August 2021
- It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your private keys are?
- Cosign 1.0!
- Cosign 1.0
- Sigstore June Update!
- A New Kind of Trust Root
- What’s Next for Sigstore?
- The Update Framework and You
- How to Sign a Release of OSS
- Cosign Image Signatures
- Cosign — Signed Container Images
- A Safer curl | bash ?
- Sigstore Project Update — April 2021
- SSH is the new GPG